SensoGuard is a security company with solid industry experience that aims for making seismic security systems more affordable and accessible to everyone. By focusing on technology and innovation while adhering to the strictest military requirements, they have built an extensive global presence in over 20 countries.

Reliable seismic security requires solutions the consist of both mechanical and digital software engineering. By continuously advancing their platform and algorithms for optimal performance based on real data from the field, SensoGuard achieves more reliable and affordable security from the same seismic technology used for earthquake detection.

The standalone buried seismic detectors require no maintenance!

Invisible – The seismic sensors and processing units are buried completely underground, making them undetectable to intruders while keeping the environment intact.

Weather-proof – Unlike other buried security technologies such as leaky coax or fiber optics, the rugged systems offer 365/24/7 protection, even under extreme weather conditions.

Vandalism-proof – The seismic systems are impenetrable and cannot be dug under, climbed over, or sabotaged without triggering an event or threat.

For more information please contact us or visit SensoGuard website.

ADI Global Distribution in Montpellier – Sales&Technical Training, 2019
ADI Global Distribution in Montpellier
Sales & Technical Training

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